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Showing posts from May, 2012

"One Usual October Night "

     A usual night on October 28-2011, after a nice dinner, I was thinking about what to do. Mom was in a small walk outdoors and dad hadn’t reached the nest yet. Without any intention, I came out to take a look at my mom and heard a small meow...      Mom’s reaction was obvious: “oh! Not again” and I sensed the situation. She saw the kitty on the lawn and was trying to hide that from ‘me –the pet lover’. But does this kitty know that? It let out another desperate cry. I got a smile over my face and asked my mom “can we have this one at least? it was desperate on my part now, as every time I faced a rejection to this request alone. Mom was confused and giving no answer she just walked in. I got to look at that little one... it had peculiar glowing eyes with a natural eye line...which made her look beautiful. Offering her some milk I left her out...Within no time she finished the drink and came in with me. 'The new member of the family' Dad gave me permis

The new start :)

“Create a blog,” a voice inside me said this while I was in meditation. Walking with a heart that wishes to share many things with the world, I always had wondered, will I be ever able to do that…      With whole-hearted gratitude to Sri.Sri.Ravishanker Ji who molded up the very great sadhana, I create this blog. Also, I would like to thank the software engineers who gave the space for the blogs and for supporting me to be on the blog list.      My mind never keeps mum for a second other than a few hours of deep sleep. She always had something to think about, dream about, wish about, and sometimes even make a drama about something or someone.  I stride more in this dreamy world rather than in the real one. My mind has endless space for all kinds of views. Any chunk of matter she liked or hated became a seed for her to nurture. Sometimes it will grow as a good tree but at times it turns out to be a parasite      Sharing thoughts always has the power of building up confidence. Wh