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"One Usual October Night "

    A usual night on October 28-2011, after a nice dinner, I was thinking about what to do. Mom was in a small walk outdoors and dad hadn’t reached the nest yet. Without any intention, I came out to take a look at my mom and heard a small meow...

    Mom’s reaction was obvious: “oh! Not again” and I sensed the situation. She saw the kitty on the lawn and was trying to hide that from ‘me –the pet lover’. But does this kitty know that? It let out another desperate cry.
I got a smile over my face and asked my mom “can we have this one at least? it was desperate on my part now, as every time I faced a rejection to this request alone. Mom was confused and giving no answer she just walked in.
I got to look at that little one... it had peculiar glowing eyes with a natural eye line...which made her look beautiful. Offering her some milk I left her out...Within no time she finished the drink and came in with me.
'The new member of the family'
Dad gave me permission to keep her, but only till we find another place to throw her off. My exams were on their way, which bothered my parents. I tried my best to convince them that she won’t do any harm to my studies and to our hygiene. But after 3 days hearing all advice and criticism I handed over the cat to be tossed away, in to the wilds!!!!
That was a really tough and weird rainy day for mom, me, and of course for that tiny little kitty.

    The next day I kept on imagining the return of the cat. All I could hear was her call. In those 3 days she had found her place over my shoulders and then I felt my shoulders to be weak… a pang of strong guilt that I haven’t felt in my short but long life...
Love, affection and compassion is like a boomerang... no matter how far you throw, it will return to you rather faster.
    After a long one day I found her near the trench, alive! She jumped onto my hands with the same gratitude she had while having the food I had offered. She doesn’t remember her horrible stormy yesterday, she didn't look at me as a merciless creature who sent the helpless one out. All she remembered and had in mind was the love I showed and the fear of being alone.

She taught me a wonderful lesson of my life and it meant what true love is.
True love will never remember the bad moments and hard times...true love doesn’t have the feeling of vengeance, jealousy, inhibitions, and disbelief…it will always try only to believe everything is perfect…it will cherish only the innocence of the great feeling the love!”


The kitty is now the queen of our little palace


  1. this one is nice and touching dii..
    keep up :)

  2. Critter talks !
    Well said ...these creatures doesnot care what we have done to them , they just love us ...unconditional love ...I am also a pet lover , but in my case dogs . So i know how it feels . There is a touching dialogue in the hollywood movie Marley & Me " ......a dog doesnot have a thing about fancy cars or designer cloths or big houses , a mere water logged stick will do . A dog doesn't care whether you are dumb or bright .....he can make you feel special . How many people can make you feel special ...."

    heheee ...ur right i am mad about dogs .....btw , nice write up . keep blogging , u just earned a follower :)

    1. thank you... am also a dog lover.. but got this kitty from after all.. cat also have athma :)


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