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A Romantic thought

The love proposal….

Some Day I should

Marry a man,
Be the whole world to him,
Be the greatest chef than his mom,
Be a soothing doctor,
Be the Stress ball he throws his anger on,
Be independent when he is not around,
Be a wise woman to resolve his problems,
Be a good friend who forgives his mistakes!!
I may have to do these for someone, life chooses for me………..

But Someday I should

 Share my ‘self’ with him,
Carry a whole new future for months in me,
Lie on the death bed opening the door for the birth of a new soul,
Swallow the biggest pain the world has ever known, as a memory of the love once shared!!

And I ain’t doing these for any ‘someone’

But You

When I hold my baby and see the beautiful face,

I should fall in love with the father of this miracle!!!!
Whom I may choose for my life
And it’s You!!!


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