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Phases(Faces) of Life :)

        Humans can be termed as a simple but complicated creation of God that can be explained! When being kids, we were said that learning how to speak is important. Kids thus observe every sound they hear and learn it all. As we grow to learn how to use the words are given importance. In the exercise of learning and using words around, molding our behavior we feel we are complete... but reaching a dead end in life will teach us another lesson 'the things we have learned so far have got nothing to do in reality. 
Being a kid a human life is simple... but emotions make it complicated and thus it’s difficult to explain. Kids do not hide their emotions and all they have is a bunch of innocence. Humans lose this innocence as they grow up and their emotions take different faces. Most of the emotions today are not honest and that makes life thorny. Modern education alone is not the source of knowledge. Life itself is a lesson and it tests our ability each and every day. When you look upon each thing in nature you learn new things. It said, as deeper you go inside nature as mysterious it will become. We may be able to claim that we have learned all our portions in a book, but can never do the same about nature.

    Basically, there are three phases in life: childhood, youth, and adulthood, but life has many faces, which we have to face with a calm and composed mind. Learning to live in all kinds of situations is the most important lesson of life, as we cannot guarantee happiness throughout one’s existence.

As I reached the end of my phase of education, I was exposed to the face of reality. Nature that gives us pain, is also the source that gives the power of healing. Even though the world has witnessed millions of births.. each childbirth is a new miracle. The newborn washes away all the pain his/her mother experienced, generates new hopes for a new living, it teaches the purpose of one being. I learned that nature hides the pain we have to face in life from us, till we are ready to accept it. being with nature is like being with god. Humans are part of nature till he loses his innocence. And this explains why kids are said to be closer to god. In this modern world we face problems as we try to fight with nature and struggle for survival.. once we learn to be with nature and be like kids.. life becomes easier...

Life is to live... live it... no regrets... after all god has created us for some reason, which we'll come across sooner or later.. juz wait and face that moment :)


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